Thursday, October 13, 2011

I never thought I'd feel better off than a doctor

I had reason to read this blog recently.  The blog itself is aged - over six years old.  But the content is still applicable.  The blog addresses 10 reasons why one should not go to medical school.  (It lists one reason in support of medical school, down at the bottom.)

I've never considered medical school.  Okay, that's a lie.  I've never seriously medical school.  I'm pretty sure I don't have the patience, money, or strength of will to spend that amount of time in class anymore.  I do periodically think that I would like to practice some form of medicine.  I like helping people, and I think I'm bright enough to get through medical school.  But generally it seems like a lot of work, and apparently I'm lazy.

As it turns out, laziness is not the primary reason not to go to medical school.

Reading the blog made me feel grateful.  I have a lowly bachelor's degree.  My degree is in physics.  That and 50 cents will not even get you a cup of coffee.  You need at least a master's just to do most lab work, and you need a PhD for jobs in which you actually think about science.  I don't use my physics degree in my job, although having a bachelor's degree is a requirement.

I exited college without very much debt.  I did have a little.  I put my last semester on my credit card, and the occasional pizza and car repair.  I paid off my credit cards after acquiring gainful employment and have never let them get high again.  My only debt is my mortgage.  If I had become a doctor,  I might not yet have paid off my debts.  Going by the aforementioned blog, I would be tired all the time, not have any friends or a husband, be likely to get sued, and not be doing all the good I thought I might.  Plus super high premiums for insurance against the being sued part.

I have lots of friends, I have plenty of free time, I have a beloved husband, and a very low chance that somebody will sue me because I tried to help them.  Life is very good in nerd land.

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