Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Community enforced humping

We had a community meeting tonight regarding speed humps.  Somebody on our street requested them.  The county will put them in, but only if 60% of the residents on our street agree to sign a petition in favor of speed humps.  JD and I volunteered to petition one of the blocks, so I'm going to be meeting some neighbors soon. We won't be petitioning on our block, unfortunately.  Other neighbors on our block also volunteered, so our block is taken care of. 

I doubt I've ever met most of the people on the next block, because a busy thoroughfare divides our blocks.  I hope people come to the door when I knock.  At least they probably won't think I'm proselytizing.  I don't dress that nicely.

I would be really happy if traffic on our street were less.  And if it obeyed the speed limit.  And if trucks obeyed the "no trucks" sign.  Speed humps will likely accomplish all of that, to a great extent.  And if not I might start requesting occasional enforcement of the "no trucks" signage.  Many many of them go down the street every day, and I've never seen a ticket given.  Not for that, or for the speeding.  The vast majority of cars are going at about 40 mph on a 25 mph street.  The two days when they came out to see what conditions were like, the road management guys found cars going over 60 mph!  And that's on a narrow street with no shoulders, no curbs, no sidewalks, but WITH ditches so you can't even step off the road easily.  So dangerous.  Sigh.

Ah well.  If I wanted to be safe I could have moved somewhere with sidewalks.  But I had to have my dang Victorian with the prettiness and the character and the no uniform anything.  Because who wants life to be easy?

PS Mom's surgery went well.  Thanks for the positive thoughts.

PPS Meeting neighbors wasn't all good.. one of them got right up my nose.  What a dillhole.  Fortunately he doesn't live on my block.

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