Speaking of being uptight, I've had multiple medical professionals tell me recently that "you can't let stuff get to you." And I was wondering how, exactly, you not let stuff get to you. It's not like I have road rage. (Seriously. I am unragey. Even though my car got shot.) But sooner or later, enough red tape and bureaucracy will cause me to lose my shit. As you may have noticed, if you have ever read this blog before. How do you go about maintaining a zen attitude? Do you "OM" a lot? Do you drink to excess? Do you pet doggies? (I approve of this method, but we can't bring pets to the office. Or booze for that matter.)
I suppose first you have be prone to annoyance in the face of.. I can't think of a good way to describe this. Let's just call all annoying bureaucracy "TSA" for short.%% Some people seem to just let it flow over them. I envy those people. I would love to just not care. But it's like every incident is a slap. The first slap you can shrug off. The second slap you maybe frown a little. The third starts to sting. And by the fiftythird you have a giant throbbing bruise, and you start to swear that if it happens again you are going to give that slapper what-for, by gum! Even though it's ill advised, and possibly illegal. Depending on the what-for that you have in mind.
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%Poor Eddy. Eddy being the car. |
%%The Shit that Annoys
I found my zen with the tips from The Secret. Seriously, it has really helped me to visualize what I want in my life and then manifest it into my life.[1] The secret is all about simply changing thoughts so you don't think about (and manifest) more of the stuff that drives you crazy, but instead you think about (and then manifest) the things that bring you joy.
ReplyDeleteIn my job I do a lot of driving, several thousand miles a month - 2-3 hours per day behind the wheel, on different roads every day. Every time there's a near miss I think about and visualize a peaceful drive where everyone follows the rules of the road, yields to one another, etc. If I see a driver driving unsafely or dangerously, instead of being mad I try to think about how fortunate I am that I'm a good driver and that I don't live such a sucky life that I have to take out my frustration on others on the roadway by cutting them off instead. If someone cuts me off I try to think that they must have a good reason they really need to be in front of me, and then (this is key) LET IT GO instead of dwelling on it. Dwelling on it manifests more of it in one's life. Move on to other thoughts about things I want to manifest in my life instead.
This is how it came to be that I'm riding Venus again and she's doing amazingly well. I've been thinking about and visualizing and manifesting this outcome in my thoughts for several months, and now it's happening in my life. I manifested work coming in and now I have so much work that I'm starting to get picky about which work (jobs) I accept since I don't really "need" the money for all the jobs I can get. I'm now working on manifesting my perfect life partner. :-)
[1] I was given the book-on-tape DVD, then bought the book, then borrowed the video from the library. I ripped the book-on-tape to itunes and sometimes[2] I leave it playing on very low volume while I sleep.
[2] When I find myself starting to think negative thoughts and need to "reprogram" my thoughts into positive statements so that I can manifest more of the good things in my life.
BTW, I like numbered footnotes the best because this way the reader can more quickly find the footnote that applies to the particular statement.