I wore a hat nearly all day. I didn't even think about it. I didn't notice until I was in the car on the way home and I saw my reflection in the rear view mirror. It's not a particularly nice hat, either. It's just a black fleece watch cap type hat.
I gave up on stylish in favor of warm a number of years ago. Especially when I have short hair. To be fair, I work in a basement, and it's chilly in there. When I go to other buildings I am prone to taking off a layer. We're moving out of the basement in a few weeks (after more than a decade of occupancy) so my everpresent hat may disappear.
Seeing that hat in the mirror made me realize just how often I've worn a hat this year. I bet my head has been covered more than it hasn't. I wore a hat nearly all the time while hiking, and also while asleep on the trail to provide darkness. Before that it was cold out, so I wore a hat most days. My most naked head days have been since I got home from the trail.
I'm not really going anywhere with this, I just thought it was weird. I wasn't raised to wear a hat. I mean, I wasn't raised *not* to wear a hat either. You just don't see my mom sitting around with a hat on. But then she keeps her house warm.
Just noticed am still wearing hat.
Well, it's chilly. What you gonna do?
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