Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You know that thing where you reach back and grab your ankles? Are you supposed to scream when you do that?

Man, yoga kicked my butt tonight.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.  We had a substitute for our substitute.  Our main teacher hasn't actually been to yoga for the last two sessions, as she is unfortunately having chemo.  Well, better than the alternative, I guess.  Anyway tonight's teacher wanted to do several moves that involve pulling your leg back toward your butt and also arching your back, and my body no longer does that.  When it tries to, the leg muscles go into spasm.  At least now I feel it happening and stop before I get a full on charlie horse.  It's a good thing yoga isn't a contest, because if it were I would have come in last today.

I'm kinda hungry these days, because I'm trying to lose weight again.  Every round of dieting I lose a few pounds and then plateau.  So here's to a few pounds.  The neuro doc says the best thing I can do for my back is get down to the lowest weight I possibly can.  I keep plugging away at it, a few pounds at a time. If I end up with at totally rockin' bod as a side effect, I wouldn't sneer at it.  It's like buying the safe, fuel efficient car that just turns out to have the coolest lines and the best radio.  But mostly I just want my spine to stop being stupid.

That, and my brain.  JD told me tonight that he's asked me to do something several times, and I have no memory of it, whatsoever.  And it's something that I want, and have pestered *him* about, in the past.  It bothers me that I can't remember.  Usually things that I've forgotten completely are much farther back in my past.

I haven't even hit my head recently.  That I recall.

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