Thursday, December 29, 2011

The ear mites are looking pretty good by comparison

My horse vet called me to see how Pluto was doing.

A)  When did my vets start calling me to check on animals?  Dr J does it too.  That sure didn't happen 20 years ago.
B) I have no idea, because I haven't seen him since last Wednesday.

I told her that I wouldn't know until probably the weekend, because I have to go out and spend some time with him before I know.  A five minute fly by isn't going to do it.  Thinking about the mild shortening of stride which I noticed as the first symptom, I said "the signs are pretty subtle, so I'll have to watch him for a while before I know for sure."  She laughed out loud.  Then I remembered the NEXT signs I observed, which included excessive weenie waving and related dribbling.  Yeah, those aren't too subtle.  But honest, those are not the first signs!

So in the next couple of days I need to spend some time observing my horse for weenie action.  I'm expiating sins from a former life.

What is it with me and grey horses and their uncomfortable, awkward to explain issues?  Couldn't I have a bay with ear mites?  Just once?

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