So I booked it on over to the barn, and this is what I found:
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Technically, this horse is grey. |
Man that's a dirty horse. I couldn't have done anything with him anyway. He'd need a bath before I could work with him, or I would immediately become as dirty as he is.
The fly mask is a success. It doesn't have a forelock hole, but that doesn't seem to be a problem. It stayed on really well. I actually had trouble getting the velcro to rip open. Yay! A flymask that actually stays on! And doesn't seem to rub anything or pinch ears! I was starting to doubt that such a thing existed.
Timber, btw, was similarly filthy. It was just harder to see over his dark coat.
Okay, so, that was my evening. My extremely short evening, because my day was so long it ran over into evening time. I got up an hour early to go see the chiropractor. Despite the additional stretches I've been doing, my sacroiliac still hurts. The doc got this *look* on her face and made me go get x-rays. I am hoping that whatever she thinks it might be isn't there, because bone things are not good. Not when they're that deep. There ain't a dang thing I can do about bones several inches in. Not that I'm having any luck fixing non-bone parts, either.
There was a radiology place in the same building so I toddled over and they fit me in pretty quickly. They couldn't tell me at the front desk if my insurance would cover x-rays prescribed by an out of network doctor, so I have no idea if it just cost me $20 or $1000. Sheesh. I do have a healthcare savings account that will cover part of it, at least.
When I got dressed this morning, I pulled out a new pair of underwear that I got this weekend at REI. They're breathable, lightweight, travel style, yada yada, feature, yada. They are also pink and lacy. (When did REI underwear become pink and lacy?) So I was happy that this one day I happened to wear the one pair of presentable non-granny-panty underwear I (now) own. Because when strangers are unexpectedly seeing you in your skivvies, you want them to be nice skivvies. Even if those strangers are x-ray techs who are used to random people in their underwear.
X-rays are a much faster proposition than they used to be. I was out of there with copies pretty quickly. I looked at the x-rays but all I can determine is that I do, in fact, have bones. And intestines. (How come when I look up x-rays on the internet, I never see intestines? I think they photoshop them out.) Also, staples. I wonder if they are non-magnetic staples? I don't recall them being an issue the last time I had an MRI. And they have all those warnings about not having loose metal in the room. Not that these are loose, I guess. Still, it's an uncomfortable idea, that staples might suddenly come shooting out of my side in the event of magnetism. I expect it might cause a pinching sensation.
So, that was my morning. And in the middle I did the hamster in a wheel imitation at the office all day. I didn't even take the time to heat up my lunch. I ate it cold. And no walkies because it felt like it was 108 out, according to the weather folks.
Oy. Long day. Underwear, x-rays, hamstering, and filthy horses. I need a nap.
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