Monday, April 25, 2011

Put appropriate zombie noises here

I really regret this weekend.  Once again it was one of those "fun while I was doing it" weekends.  Perhaps I should be grateful that for me that involves too much exercise and some overeating, rather than less legal alternatives.  I would guess many Monday morning regrets revolve around alcohol and skanky sex.

I was dumb all day today.  My muscles and joints ached, and my brain refused to start.  The dog had an anxiety attack during the night due to thunderstorms in the area, and that combined with a heavy meal (seven hours before, but still making its presence known) led to an unrestful night for me.  Once again, I will say that I don't know how parents do it.  One interrupted night has virtually turned me into a zombie.  I couldn't do years of that.

At lunch time I had Easter leftovers, not considering the massive calorie count involved.  Then my tummy got unhappy.  I decided to go home and feel sorry for myself in private, rather than annoying my coworkers by whining all afternoon.  The cats were happy to see me, at least.

I even got work done while telecommuting, so it turned out to be a good plan.

This evening I'm pondering Run Amuck.  I have no illusion that I might somehow win the thing.  I just hope they don't pull me off course for impeding the progress of other runners.  Also I hope I don't hurt myself.  I still don't have replacement jogging shoes (I took the new ones back - they weren't supporting my pronative tendencies properly) so I'm going to wear my old ones and hope that I can resuscitate them afterward.  And I sincerely hope that they have good food at the festival.  I know there will be a beer garden of some sort, but sysadmin does not live on beer alone.

Not this one anyway.

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