Monday, April 18, 2011

In which my job is annoying and I am cranky. And I'm sharing.

I have determined empirically that the kittens have no personal space boundaries.  Andy, however, does.

They usually work out this issue while sitting on my lap.  I'm not sure I'm going to be able to wear shorts this summer.

I really thought that this evening after work I'd go out to the farm and ride.  Weather is supposed to be fairly crappy this week, so I have limited opportunities.  So far it's supposed to be nice on Thursday as well, but I have yoga then. 

I realized fairly early on (say half an hour after rising) that I was going to be lucky to make it through the work day, let alone conduct any recreational activities.  I put my breeches and riding boots in the car just in case, but as the day progressed it became obvious that I am "wore out".  I actually felt more tired this morning than I did before bed last night.  (Not trying to invite comments about my sex life, here.  I read a book and then went to sleep.)

I don't know if it's pollen, or some kind of illness, or the sheer unpleasantness of daily life as an IT professional working for the government, but today definitely rated high on the Suck-O-Meter. 

BTW:  If you are reading this, you probably use a web browser of some kind.  I want you to do something.  Go to this webpage:

If you have flash installed, it will tell you here.  If you do have flash installed, make sure your version is up to date.  There is a new, active vulnerability out that you do not want to encounter.  There is a link on the page to get the new version.  After you have installed it, go back to the link I put up and check again.  Sometimes the install fails and you end up with the old version still in place.

Also, if you use Internet Explorer, update it.  If you are using an old version of Internet Explorer (i.e. (hee) Internet Explorer for Mac, Internet Explorer 6, etc) you're just screwed.  Ditch it.  Get a new version or use a different browser.

Also, if you use multiple browsers, check them all.

That was dull, wasn't it?  Maybe mildly painful, if you had to update anything?  Multiply that times 100, give yourself a headache, make a bunch of spreadsheets about it, explain it to your maiden aunt, and then get your upper management to send you a dozen memos about it.  And there you have very much what my day was like.

Anyway my point is I didn't ride my horse.  I haven't even done the dishes yet.  I think doing the dishes and riding the horse can both wait until tomorrow.  Although in the horse's case it will probably be reduced to "feeding him cookies and patting his nose" because the weather is supposed to suck.  It's not looking like the most productive horse riding spring ever, over at my horse farm with no indoor arena.  Not that I'm bitter.

Okay I'm bitter but I think I'm justified.  Also, bitter can make a very nice counterpoint to sweetness.  I'll try that later.

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