Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who died and made you..? Oh.

I saw something today that kind of pissed me off, and I can't decide if it makes me a bitch or not.

I was driving on a divided highway.  On the other side, the road was empty except for a funeral convoy with a police escort, lights flashing.  As we passed each other and I came to the end of the line, I saw a second police escort, with lights also flashing.

That is not what pissed me off.

Directly behind the second police car, there was a rolling road block.  Behind them, the road was jammed as far as I could see.  The people back there no doubt had no idea what was going on.  They probably assumed there was an accident ahead.

What gives the mourners the right to have the whole highway to themselves, and to enforce it on all the other unsuspecting citizens?  I realize that it is a very momentous occasion to the friends and family of the deceased, but death happens every day, people.  It doesn't give you the right to ruin the day and destroy the schedule of everybody around you.  (And if it did, we would all be in trouble because the highways would grind to a halt for every funeral.)

Have your funeral procession.  Put little flags on your car.  Get your cop buddies to escort you and honor the deceased.  But do NOT eff up the day of everybody else in our fair city.


  1. Not bitchy; I have the same thought whenever I see almost any sort of instance of a group monopolizing a public resource for a non-public use: you have the right to peaceful observance of your customs, but not when it screws over everyone else.
