Sunday, March 27, 2011

Today's top and bottom ten

Things that bug me:

People who pronounced Realtor as "Real-a-tor"
Big trucks tailgating passenger cars
Loud talkers going my exact pace so I can't get away from them
Just why *does* homeopathy appear to work, anyway?
Dogs who keep stealing cat food and cat poop (although I have a theory involving cat poop and probiotics)
Having to work when I clearly need to be a lady of leisure
Important pieces of equipment having seizures
Not being a model yet despite three months of diet and exercise
Non-cat-like cats

Things I like:

Wii Dance
Red wine
Trail running
Snuggling kittens
Clearing out some of my overload of camping gear by selling it to others
Weekend naps
A sweet husband who makes me a hot drink while he's up
Being able to instantly and magically procure music via itunes
Microwave ovens
Using my brain, sometimes

1 comment:

  1. It's been 7 years since I became one, but I still haven't gotten used to people who mangle Realtor.
