Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ticks LOVE me. Unnaturally.

So, doc thinks it's Lyme disease.  That's Lyme disease round four, for those who are counting.  And I sure am.  I started my four weeks of antibiotics tonight.  Beginning in the next day or so I get to start practicing Extreme Sun Avoidance Maneuvers.  I think one of my keffiyahs is handy, and the really good sunscreen my mother in law clued me into.  Plus, we're heading into the fall so I should be able to wear long sleeves and long pants.  I'll have to fish out a pair of thin gloves as well.

Photosensitivity is the only side effect I generally experience.  Which is nice I guess.

You know what I'm sick of?  Tick borne illnesses.  I'm sure that comes as a great surprise.

These ticks were so small that I literally could not tell with the naked eye that they were ticks.  Hates them.  Hates them, precious.

Anyway I'm feeling pretty perky today.  The "short period of flulike symptoms" only lasted from mid-Tuesday to late Wednesday.  I'm hoping I'm not sick enough to have a severe Herxheimer reaction.  If I am, tomorrow is gonna suck.  If not, party!  It's Friday.

While I was visiting the doctor she harassed me about all the other crap I need to do, so I guess I'll be cold calling a physiatrist.  And getting my pap smeared.  And my mams grammed.  And for that matter all of the quadrupeds need vaccinations.

September is always so expensive.

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