Friday, April 20, 2012

Not a banner day

We had our first medical excitement with the yorkie today.  When I went to let her out of the crate this morning, she was feeling bad.  She'd barfed multiple times.  She continued barfing, mostly dry heaving, for the next hour.  In between she slept heavily.  Poor little thing.  I was concerned about her dehydrating quickly since she is only ten pounds to begin with.  I was still sick from earlier this week, and also was working, so JD took her to the vet.

They feared pancreatitis due to tender tummy symptoms, so she was admitted for bloodwork, IV fluids, and an xray.  They basically found nothing really wrong with her.  She's pumped full of drugs, no longer vomiting, but still miserable.  And her little hind leg is if anything worse.  Probably because she's been lying down all day.  It definitely gets worse without movement.

Me, I barely managed my day of telecommuting, then went upstairs with chills.  I fell asleep with comforters piled on me and woke up a couple of hours later, sweating.  It is starting to look like my weekend will not, in fact, be full of horses and hiking.  I'll be lucky just to get out to see the horse, let alone groom him and ride.

So, yeah, not my best Friday ever.

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