Wednesday, April 4, 2012

All days should be nice like today

Love seeing the moon during the day
It was a super nice day today.  Started at 3 am with a migraine, but drugs took care of that.  Outside it was shirtsleeve weather.  The kind where the air feels good on your skin and the earth feels good under your feet.  A vendor bought me lunch and I walked back to the office from the restaurant, feeling like I could walk for hours given the opportunity.  And I would have.

My day was kind of busy.  I didn't feel like I got much done.  Mostly I went to meetings.  Good meetings, though.

This evening was yoga.  Yoga teacher was once again feeling too sick to teach, but she got us a sub.  If she hadn't, I was going to suggest that we just practice some basic poses as a group.  I missed it too much when we didn't have class last week.  But, sub was there.  She was very, very different, in a good way.  She made me mindful of parts of my body that I don't think of much.  I felt very bendy and happy by the time we were done.

The little monster here at the house is trying to fit in, and we're getting there gradually.  Maybe a month before everything is settled?  In the meantime, we watch her carefully, trying to intervene before she breaks housetraining.  And making sure that if Beauty won't stand up for herself, the Beast at least realizes that she'll get in big trouble if she abuses her housemates.  We think it's sinking in.

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