Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My dream house has four kitchens


I kept hitting the snooze button this morning until I finally just turned off the alarm.  Half an hour later I woke up from a nightmare and decided to get out of bed.  It started out as a good dream - JD and I found a house we really liked (with four kitchens!  That's almost enough!) and that we were going to buy.  But for some reason we spent the night in it, and of course JD left early for work, so I was there alone and underdressed (with a yorkie peeing on the carpet) when the owner showed up with people to view the place.  The owner was unimpressed with me and my "But we want to buy it! "  protestations.

First world dream problems.

Once I woke up, I realized that I felt worse than yesterday.  My stomach hurt less, but my lymph nodes hurt more.  I made a command decision and called in sick, for real this time.  Not "I feel awful but I'm going to soldier on from my home office."  This time, I said I was going to go lie down.  Which is what I did.  After the nightmare sleep wasn't coming easily, but I stared at the ceiling, and occasionally read a book, and petted various animals.  Petting animals is a very healing thing to do when you feel like crap.

Around 3 pm I started to feel better, and I must assume that being super lazy has allowed my immune system to triumph over whatever bug was plaguing it.  (See what I did there?  I amuse my own self.)  So with another early bedtime I hope to wake up all normal-like in the morning.  But I'm turning my alarm off to make sure I rest as long as I need to.  I hope I feel good, anyway, because I have organized a social event for lunch tomorrow and I'd really like to go.

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