Monday, January 23, 2012

In which my day is both boring and terrifying

Oh good gravy.  Today was a day.  I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I'm exhausted.  It was the sort of day where you have to snatch a minute just to be able to pee.  Or eat.  I never did find time to get water, so all I drank all day was my lukewarm half liter of water left on my desk from last Friday.  That helped me out with not having the time to pee.

First work was closed until 10.  I, of course, had set the alarm early so I could get up and shut down the server room prior to our electrical outage.  But before I did that I had to email, text, and phone call people to find out if the outage were really happening, what with the ice and the late opening and the liberal leave policy.

After I got there and had already started shutting machines down, I found out that the person who had to sign off on the last piece of paperwork to allow the work had not actually signed it.  A remedy was found for that, and I continued shutting down machines.

The work I was going to do while the power was out didn't happen, because the machine I needed to do it on, broke.

Several machines that weren't supposed to be turned off were, because I was mistaken about where their power came from.

When the power came back on and I started booting things,  not all of them came back to life.  So I spent six hours standing in the cold aisle (which meant cold air blowing up my pants legs) of the server room, persuading them to boot.  Or, alternatively, crouched in the hot aisle, persuading them to boot.  So I'm frozen and now my quadriceps don't want to work.

So you will understand when I explain that I'm really tired and I have nothing interesting in me to say today.

Good night.

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