Sunday, November 27, 2011

In orbit around a shrinking Pluto

Today we went out to see Pluto, visited stores multiple times, and put up Christmas lights.  I'm exhausted.  There needed to be more naps this weekend.

JD isn't happy with the entryway lights, which are cool white vs the warm white elsewhere.  So that may be changing soon.  Me, I want more lights of any kind.  We've been buying LED lights which are crazy expensive but with which you can string 45 strings of lights together.  So that's nice.  I'm thinking maybe we'll decorate the Japanese maple next to the house.  Or cut back the dead summer growth and line the flower beds with lights.  It depends on our gumption levels.

Pluto was happy to see me, but he was looking kind of bony in the hip region.

I am not thrilled, but I have only myself and my stupid back to blame.  He's not thin, just unmuscled.  I need to make the rounds of the horse community and try to find an appropriate person to lease him, I guess.  Or something.  In the meantime I gotta get him in the round pen and make him move around to build that butt back up.  I keep having thoughts of selling him, but so far I can't bring myself to do it.  And I  keep thinking my back will settle down in the future and I'll ride him more.

I am ambivalent.  Obviously.

Today is the last day of our four day weekend and I will be sad to see it end.  Though I will be happy to do fewer dishes.  Three people eating several meals a day at home use far more dishes than two people eating one or two meals a day at home.  Oy.  Perhaps I should have invested in some nice Chinette.  Does that come in a pattern?

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