Sunday, May 29, 2011

Honey, I'm Home!

I'm home! Didja miss me?  Didja?  Huh? Didja?

I'm in a great mood.  :)

I must have missed fresh food because all I wanted for dinner was hummus on tortilla chips, and raspberries with whipped cream.  Well, fake whipped cream.  Either way, not the filling dinner one might crave after a brisk morning's hike.  Hope I'm not getting sick or something.

Anyway.  My hike was committed in a state of mild euphoria.  I was just really happy to be there.  Also, I was hiking at a fairly steady 2 mph which is unusual for me.  Not pushing, just enjoying.  The hike pace made me quite happy, as it means that I can pretty definitely get through the hundred mile wilderness in under ten days, so I can carry a little less food.  I did ten miles each day Saturday and today, and had plenty of leg left.  Given that the hundred mile wilderness starts out fairly flat, I can probably do 13-15 mile days at least at the start.  I will have to slow down when I hit actual mountains.  :)

I've been pondering ways to save weight in my pack but without being cold and uncomfortable at night, or going hungry, or not treating sunburn / rashes / blisters, I'm not sure that I can.  I will think more.  How can I get my base weight under eighteen pounds while still living in total luxury?  Hmmm.

I took some pictures this weekend (surprise!) and now I will inflict them on you:

There was some kind of re-enactment going on at Caledonia State Park.  I don't know how the PT Cruiser works into the re-enactment.

Pink polka dotted fireplace!  Again.. I really don't know what's going on here.

Pink!  It's like a theme.  The rhododendron, sadly, were not yet in full bloom.  Probably will be by Tuesday or Wednesday.  Still, they were pinkishly pretty.

My sexy, sexy Dirty Girl gaiters.  Color chosen with ticks in mind.

I started my hike with a Nutty Buddy from the store at Pine Grove Furnace.  It lasted a couple of hundred yards.  Excellent way to start a hike.  I recommend it.


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