I guess I should have expected it. I had a migraine last night, and I took medicine for it which did zilch. So I was lying there wide awake and head thumpy, and I got up and took some benadryl. So at least I slept. Probably that wasn't very smart. Which implies that my dumbness started at least yesterday evening.
This morning I hit the snooze for half an hour and finally dragged myself out of bed. The dog was giving me that look. The look that says "Really? You're going to hit the snooze again? You have a job, you know." So I got up, because nobody should have to take that from a dog.
I made it through breakfast okay, but somehow lost about an hour of time. I may have been surfing the web. I may have been picking my nose, for all I know. I looked up and I was late for work. So I made lunch (successfully, actually) and drove my happy ass to work.
Unfortunately, at work I was having one of those mornings where I'd say "Right. Here is a thing I need to do." And then I would go about doing it, but immediately forget what it was I was about to do. So I'm sorting through papers on my desk and I have no idea why. I print something out and then forget to pick it up off a printer. I talk to coworkers, tell them I'll check into something, and then immediately space whatever it is.
At some point in the morning I remembered that the night before I had made a mental note about something I wanted JD to pick up when he went to the grocery today. Unfortunately, all I remembered was that it was a liquid. What a useful detail. I had a vague mental image of a single bottle, so it probably wasn't a six pack of anything. I tried to think of things that came in bottles that we needed. We already had vinegar, laundry soap, and ketchup. Argh! What could it be? Can you imagine my feeling of triumph when I finally figured out it was Gatorade? I didn't remember it, actually. I independently worked out that I needed a Gatorade bottle, and THEN remembered my mental note. Sharp as a tack, me. This time I texted JD. Then I made a mental note to put a notepad by the bed. A mental note that immediately got shelved with all my other useful mental notes. That shelf has some seriously dim lighting, apparently.
At work I finally I broke down and bought a coke from the machine. A coke with both caffeine and sugar. This is highly unusual for me. I normally avoid both. But they seemed called for, today. Unfortunately, the soda didn't have any obvious effect on my fog.
I went for a walk to try to stir up some kind of circulation, or thought, or good fairies who might be inclined to make me smart again. No luck on the fairies but I did feel slightly more capable after walking around. Oh, also? I have pink shoes now:
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Hello. You can see us from orbit. |
I am not really a pink sort of person, especially not a hot pink sort of person. So I purchased them with some trepidation. But they were just so dang comfortable. So, now I am wearing hot pink (and reflective) shoes and trying to carry off a cool, casual "I always wear eyecatching girly athletic footwear" attitude. I'm pretty sure it's working.
Anyway.. did I have a point? I think my point was that the walking helped, and then I accomplished several actual tasks, although I didn't work on my security plan which is something I *really* need to do and which I have been avoiding like my security plan has bubonic herpes, because the security plan system makes me cry. But that is a topic for another day. Possibly several other days.
Tonight I have successfully rewashed the dishes (because I forgot to put detergent in the frigging machine when I ran it this morning), cleaned the kitty litter, and stapled my photograph to my passport application. I neglected to staple my photograph the first time, and the state department promptly lost the picture and mailed my application back to me unchanged. At least they didn't lose the check, passport, or marriage certificate. That time.
I think I have called all the animals by the wrong name this evening. JD I *think* I got right, but he isn't paying a lot of attention so I doubt it matters. I keep calling the state department the IRS but the state department is usually quite courteous, if scatterbrained, so I'm sure I'll squeak by on that.
I have some other things I could do, like renew the dog's license or get my backpack ready for my next trip (in four days), but I think I'll do something less hazardous. Maybe watch tv. Maybe sleep. Maybe just sit for a while. That sounds relaxing and unlikely to lead to car crashes or bankruptcy if I do it wrong. You would think.
PS I wrote this a while ago. You probably won't be surprised to hear that I got distracted before hitting the "publish post" button. Sigh.
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