Wednesday, November 2, 2011

planning a hike = happy

I'm feeling pretty high energy tonight.  Pretty happy, pretty excited. That may be the chocolate talking.  I took our excess chocolate in to work to get it out of the house, but that meant it was there at work with me.  I put the bag down at the coffee mess and it was soon emptied, but several other coworkers ALSO brought in their excess candy, and they put it much closer to me.

So, yeah, a lot of chocolate flowing through the old veins tonight.  I was not very tempted by the Skittles, the Starbursts, or anything nutty.  Tiny Peppermint Patties?  Crack in a shiny silver wrapper.

I'm also excited because I'm ramping up for a short hiking trip.  The prospect of getting out overnight makes me way more bouncy than is really called for.  Because 36 hours outside is really not that much.  Nevertheless, I am making plans and being smiley.  We're planning a sub-7-mile first day, which I hope puts us at a shelter in plenty of time to gather some wood and make a fire.  I'm bringing s'mores makings on the theory that we will have fire.  Mmmm, melty marshmallows.

I also have a new pot and stove to play with, which makes me absurdly happy.  I don't even like to cook!  All I'm going to do is boil water!  And yet, here I am, happy as a clam.  A clam with a new pot.

I'm even excited to revisit places where I've been before and didn't have a good time!  I'm sure it will be nicer now - less hot, fewer yahoos.  Last time we went through this particular area, we moved off the trail to watch a long line (at least 10?) of young men carrying gear in for their camp.  This included large coolers, tents STILL IN BOXES, and many items dangling off of backpacks.  Made me wonder what was inside the backpacks.  And how hungover they were going to be in the morning.

Which reminds me!  I should pack some booze in that fancy booze-packing thing I got last year.  What goes with s'mores?

1 comment:

  1. EIther peppermint schnapps, if you're a lightweight, or Rumplemintz if you're a professional.
