I came across one of those "things people regret on their deathbed" sorts of things today. I took the moment to pause and think about my life. What have I done that I'm happy about? What would I regret having not done, if I were at the end of my life?
Things I'm happy about:
I got a degree in physics. In one sense I never use it (my job is not physics related), but in another I use it every day of my life. I always wanted to know how things worked. And to a large extent, I do thanks to that degree.
I had a really great dog. Everybody should have at least one really great dog.
All the time I got to spend wandering around in the woods as a kid. I made up a thousand stories, and ate as many wild berries.
I've experienced enough pain and suffering to enhance my empathy for others. You really have to walk a mile in those shoes to know what it's like.
I had a really great horse. Far fewer people experience this than a really great dog, but it is, if anything, more fulfilling. Dogs are bred to want to be around humans, and their pack structure makes them nicely obedient if you're the alpha. So they're kind of easy. Horses, on the other hand, usually don't care about people except as it relates to their dinner. If you have a really great relationship with a horse, it means a special horse and probably a whole lot of time spent together.
I own my very own Lipizzan cross, as close as I could afford to get to nature's own dressage machine. And I did in fact ride dressage on him for several years. More importantly, that nutty horse and I have learned each other. I have not yet met another horse who will play Red Light Green Light with me.
I finally told the man I loved how I felt about him, and we are now married.
If things go as planned, we'll own our own house together before either of us is 50. We are pretty much financially stable. This makes me happy. I have never been comfortable with debt.
I have some really great friends. And they are not the ones who I expected to end up with, which makes it more special.
I have spent a LOT of time alone in nature. I've sat on the tops of mountains - under a clear sky, in the middle of a cloud, watching a storm come in, plundering a blueberry patch, listening to absolute silence. I've felt nature's fury against my bare skin. I've laid out at night, far from a city, and seen too many stars to count. I've felt the thrill of sharing a place with a wild thing. Teaching myself the skills to be comfortable alone in the wilderness has been a wonderful experience. Sometimes scary, but wonderful.
I've met hundreds of people hiking, and they have almost all been the sort of people you would really want to meet.
I've made some people happy and I've made some people laugh.
Things I regret:
Sometimes I was lonely when I didn't have to be.
Sometimes I've been unfair to others. And to me.
All those times I got Lyme disease. What a waste.
Oddly enough, I regret not meeting some people who died before I was born, or before I could meet them. Two grandparents, and JD's dad.
On the whole, the likes far outweigh the regrets. I think I'll keep going the way I'm going.
Is there anything I still want to do? Of course! I want to keep enjoying my life, and that means more hiking, travel, trying my best at my job, many years of laughter with JD, probably more dogs and cats, and loving my friends and family to the best of my ability. But as far as anything that I've never done that I really wish I had? Something I would regret missing? Nope. Can't think of one thing.
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