Thursday, January 19, 2012

I appreciate you. I just wanted you to know.

I have recently come across some people who have horrible other people in their lives.  I am flabbergasted at just how evil and awful humanity can be.  And petty.  Like the woman who had a dog with her ex.  The dog died.  That was sad.  But then the ex's new girlfriend started posting lies about the dead dog.  That was evil.  And petty.

I am so grateful to have an unexceptional life.  Neither evilness nor pettyness plays much of a role in my daily life.  It's easy and pleasant for me to forget that not everybody has it this good.  I mean, I know not everybody has a great job, or a stable marriage, or a roof that doesn't leak.  But I often forget that not everybody can say that nobody in their life is evil.

Thank you, my friends.  Thanks for being kind, and smart, and funny.  Thanks for telling me stories about your dogs and your kids. Thanks for not spreading vicious gossip.  Thanks for contributing to your community.  Thank you for being upstanding citizens.  Thank you for being good.

Family, thanks for being supportive.  Thanks for just being there and being someone for me to care about.  I love all of you.

And JD, thanks most of all to you.  You're there every day of my life.  You make me laugh.  You make me happy.  I love that we do fun things together, and I love that we just sit on the sofa and watch tv.  Before you I had friends and a dog and cats and a horse and hobbies.  I liked all those things.   And I still have all those things.  But what I have now is something to look forward to every time I come home.

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