Thursday, October 27, 2011

My awesome app which I bet three or four people would totally want

Last night I turned off my alarm, determined to sleep until I was ready to get up.  And, as a happy result, I awoke refreshed.  Yay for plenty of sleep!  It does a body good.

My back, however, was cranky from yoga last night.  No more reverse triangle position for me.  Bad, bad, bad.  Today I wore a back brace and took advil.  By the evening it felt a little better, but I'll be moving gingerly for a while.

At work I fixed most of the remaining problems from yesterday.  Also, due my horrible memory, I unjustly emailed somebody in all caps to yell at them about doing things without telling me.  He replied with a quote of the email conversation we'd had about the topic.  A very detailed conversation.  So I immediately replied with an apology, but A) my memory is definitely getting worse, and B) I regret all capping.  Nobody deserves uppercase email.

My officemate Joe gifted me with some glitter dust he just happened to have (Joe has one of everything in the universe, somewhere.  The only problem is finding it.) and so I am ready for Halloween.  Sparkly vampires, ahoy!  It's genius.  All I have to do is sparkle.  I can wear jeans and a tshirt!  Of course, I will undoubtedly leave vampire dust on everything I touch all day.  A small price to pay for a Halloween costume.

At the chiropractor's this evening (for a previously but fortuitously scheduled visit) I heard the doc talking to the guy in the cubicle next to me about his bruising.  Which he got JOUSTING!  At Rennfest!  While he was waiting to get taped up I monopolized his attention, asking all sorts of questions.  (It turns out that he is friends with Barchan - somebody I've known off and on for twenty years.  If you have jousted in Maryland, you've either met Barchan or you've met somebody who knows him.  )  It was very interesting to hear him talk about his experience with horses and jousting.  I liked him a lot - enough that if I were not married I would have checked his hand for a wedding ring.  But I am, and I didn't.  Instead I just had a few minutes of fascinating conversation.  I love running into horse people and chatting like that.

On the way home, I saw a white fawn eating grass along the highway.  There are at least twenty foot high walls along this eight to ten lane highway.  There's no way he could have jumped.  He must have walked the mile or two there from some stream crossing.  I worried that he would try to cross the road.  He might have a better chance of escaping ensquishment because he's easier to see, but deer don't have a good record when it comes to traffic safety.  I felt a little sad, thinking he was probably going to get killed.  Even if he survives the traffic, it's hunting season and he's eminently visible.  Poor guy.

This evening seems to be that rare creature, the quiet night at home.  JD is watching vintage 70's television via Netflix.  I had brief thoughts of going to the library to return books, but I believe I'll settle in with a novel and enjoy the downtime.

Oh!  Oh!  I had an idea!  I'm almost afraid to tell you.  On the one hand, my idea would involve a lot of hard work, and probably very little payback.  But on the other hand it's AWESOME.  Okay I'll tell you but if you steal my idea you have to give me a copy of the result for free.  Deal?  Deal.

So, my idea is for an app.  An AT app.  For nerdy hikers like me.  Instead of constantly fishing out bits of paper and trying to figure out where I am in relation to everything, my phone could keep track of it!  It could have all the locations of the shelters, road crossings, parking, french fry stands, laundromats.. and GPS could pinpoint things, assuming you get a good signal.  You could tie it in with journal writing and photo albums.  It could tell you how many feet of elevation change there are between you and some arbitrary destination down the trail.  It could tie in weather forecasts!  It could automatically mail your mom with your camping location for the night.  Oh, a hiking app sounds wonderful to me.  I bet it would have TENS of users.  Minimum.    So, what, figure a couple thousand hours of development for forty bucks back out of iTunes app store sales?  Totally worth it.

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