Thursday, February 17, 2011

I hate you, world. Better give me a coke.

I kind of hated everything today.  I overdid it yesterday and it shows.  I was tired and hungry.  So, I slacked on the exercise and I ate. 

This could have one of three effects.  1) No effect.  Tomorrow same as every day.  2) I will gain a pound as my body objects to the abuse.  3) I will lose a pound as my body unclenches from its famished state.

I should find out tomorrow.  :)

I was craving a cold coke so I got one with lunch.  This is kind of a huge deal.  I don't really do caffeine, nor do I normally do real sugar.  And the soda tasted like syrup.  I don't remember it tasting that way!  I drank it but it didn't really hit the spot like I hoped it would.  The caffeine helped though.  I could feel its effects throughout the afternoon.  Also?  The Reuben I had for lunch was just what I needed.  Morally, anyway.

Then I came home and had half a pizza for dinner.  Yay diet.

So.  Things learned today.  A)  Cokes really only taste good when I'm hiking.  B) It is tough to beat a Reuben.  Actually I knew the second one already.

Dad put Mom on the phone for a few minutes this evening.  She is pretty fuzzy with all the pain killers, but she knows she's hurting.  I feel bad for her, but she says today is better than yesterday so I figure tomorrow will be better than today.  Prior to the surgery she wasn't worrying about the pain (which is good, worry solves nothing) but I figured she would be in intense pain afterward.  And indeed she is.  Throwing out your lower back sucks because everything but your eyelids is attached to it.  And she effectively had the worst back sprain in the world inflicted on her.

With luck, therapy, and good drugs, she'll be feeling much better in a week or two.

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