Sunday, July 3, 2011

I didn't even almost get something done

I slept terribly, but not because of the heat. Around ten I got an upset stomach. Nothing came out of me but I wished it would. I drifted around the house, trying to find somewhere I could be comfortable. Finally I went back to bed, and around one fell into a nightmare filled sleep. My plan of getting up before five to hike was looking unlikely. Then at four the dog woke me to let me know it was storming. For a mercy it was coming down straight and I could leave the windows open. I turned off my alarm. Less than four hours of sleep and slippery wet rocks added up to "not happening this time."

At eight I got up, dragging. I loafed around the house, still nauseated. Eventually I let Liza know we weren't coming over and then went back to bed. But first I shut the house up tight, hoping to hold the cool night air inside as long as possible. It worked tolerably well. The dang cats are well on their way to ruining all the screens though. They were highly excited to have all the windows open all night.

After a day in which I did almost entirely nothing, I'm about to hit the sack again. I'm sincerely glad today was not a work day. Tomorrow will be another AC free day, and probably a couple after that until we get a service person out. But this old house seems to be handling it okay.

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