This morning was the first time since last winter that the air had a damp bite to it. It felt like icy kittens licking my forehead. Just a taste of things to come.
Today kind of started out like the last two days, but then something astounding happened. Something went right! A longtime VMS guy at work had a vtterm that he's letting me borrow. Finally, I have some insight into what the machines were doing! A huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I didn't even realize how much it had been bothering me. I mean, I knew I was stressed, but I didn't know why. There are *lots* of reasons I could be stressed out right now.
And stress was the major reason I was thrilled to jog this evening. My stress release options aren't that great at the moment. So it falls to exercise to keep me going. I felt so good jogging. Going downhill I felt like a bird on the wind. Passersby saw a middle aged sysadmin jiggling down the street, but in my head I flew triumphantly down that sidewalk. It was *GREAT*. At the end when it was time to walk home, I decided to jog up the hill first. I've only jogged down it so far and I was curious if it would feel awful. But it didn't. It felt pretty good.
After that I was off to yoga, another great stress reliever. And in fact I feel pretty mellow now. The two Hershey's kisses I had when I got home didn't hurt. :)
One of the things the naturopath has me doing is keeping a lifestyle journal for two weeks. I have to note down the date and time of every thing I ingest and excrete, my feelings, and all my major activities. I've never done that before. Writing down every time I go to the bathroom has made me realize just how often I pee. I pee a lot, yall. I feel like my lifestyle journal is judging my peeing frequency. Now I resent my journal for judging me. Damn you, Xerox copy! You have no right to point fingers.
Mine probably would say something similar about my frequency of restroom visits, but it'd also note the insane amount of liquid I drink, so it works out.